Clear Candy & Caramel Wrappers > 5 X 5 Clear Candy Wrapper CELLOPHANE Sheets (Qty 20,000)
5 X 5 Clear Candy Wrapper CELLOPHANE Sheets (Qty 20,000)

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Price: $375.70
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: CPS-55-20000W

5” X 5” Clear Candy Wrapper CELLOPHANE Sheets (Qty 20,000)
Pre-Cut Cellophane Sheets work great for wrapping Hard Candy, Chocolates, Caramels, Mints, Suckers, etc.
Simply Wrap and Twist, the Cellophane sheets stay flat until you twist it! Once Twisted they stay TWISTED!
The ideal way to wrap individual sweet treats for any party or gift giving. Sheets are weighed for accuracy,
counts are approximate. Cellophane sheets are FDA approved for direct/indirect food contact.
5” X 5” Clear Candy Wrapper “Cellophane” Sheets are recommended for MEDIUM sized items to be wrapped. 
How To Measure For Clear Candy Wrappers!
If you are unsure which size wrappers you need! Get a piece of Aluminum Foil cut it to the size you think you need.
Place the item you want to wrap in the Aluminum Foil and wrap it up. The cellophane candy wrapper should over lap
the item by at least ONE FULL INCH around the item, and you should have enough sticking out so you can easily twist
the ends closed, again at least ONE FULL INCH. If you don’t, try a larger size piece of Aluminum Foil and go though the
same steps. No need to worry if the cellophane sticks out to much on the ends, that’s not a big deal! Simply, once
wrapped snip off the ends a little with scissors. It’s better to have the Cellophane Candy Wrapper to Big than to Small!
You Can Cut A Bigger One! You Can Not Stretch A Smaller One!

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